Makers of AWESOME


Harini Ramaswamy

Chief Creative Technologist

 E-Textiles curriculum development specialist with an interests in Wearables Tech innovation. Loves sharing knowledge with youth and looks forward to DESIGNING AWESOME projects for youth to learn about creative technologies. 


Tai Thibodeau
Founder and President

Educator and child development therapist with a Tinkering and Maker Model mindset. Enjoys bringing Einstein By Design's innovative, and at times disruptive, approach to teaching youth to the many communities in which we MAKE AWESOME.

Graeme Peek

Chief Engineer of AWESOME

Industrial Engineer with a strong background in rapid prototyping and Internet of Things technologies. Always excited to CREATE AWESOME technology projects for youth and bring industry level experience to curriculum design and Einstein By Design tinker kits.



Makers & Tinkerers

Angela McCall
Lead Community Relations Specialist

Yuqi Luo
Lead Preschool Instructor


Nicole Palazzo
Senior Curriculum Specialist

Robertha Perez
Lead Enrichment Instructor



Alexxis Isaac
Product Design Innovation Fellow

Dennis Desmond
Lead Enrichment Instructor